2+ countries | 100+ projects | 3,000+ Worker
Concrete types we produce include Class 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, & 50
Gravel, Sand, & Stones
We produce Gravel, Sand, & Stones for construction
Ready Transport
Our Company always ready, help your project
Dream Houses
Our Company always ready for you to help own your dream houses

Our Service

Buruuj has engineers of atleast 40 years of experience in construction and completed 100+ building, Let's see what we offer in the construction field

Our Commitment

Buruuj is well respected construction and real estate Company. This is due to its reputation in respecting project timeframes and quality assurance.

why choose us?

Customised client attention and projects, Relevant Accumulated Experience, Technology Environmental, Health and Safety standards.

Our vission

To be the prefered choice in the provission of construction and real estate services in the Horn of Africa.

Our mission

We strive to deliver products and services that are in line with global standards, best practices, highest quality in the most practically viable timeframe

Recent Works

Recently complete those works housing and building Let's see few of them hopefully you like this

News From Blog

Let's see out recently posts our blog, Company news and latest offer